Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Well Austin is in the past for now

So it's already been two days since I've landed my ass in the RGV and so far my return experience hasn't been so bad. Although moving is a pain in the ass I can't argue that. I had a double header moving all of my shit in Austin and then moving my parents shit again down in deep South Texas. And the heat is SWELTERING down here no doubt about it. Having trouble catching my breath here and thank God for UT cap *kiss* *kiss* otherwise I'd be in deep shit at the moment. I won't explain why though. It's just too complicated know what I'm saying huh huh. But I've been really wanting to go to my high school to visit some of my old teachers though. I'm just not sure as to whether today was the last day of school or tomorrow. Cuz you know it's important to touch bases with old high school teachers. Perhaps they'll know someone that you be interested in contacting for a job or who knows maybe you can meet your next lady love this way. Or maybe they'll just be as happy as one teacher can be to see one of their former students. I know my former physics teacher will. *Ugggh* the anxiety. But how I can't wait to roam around the beautiful city of Austin. Such glorious art I can only draw and color on. Hey where are the coloring pencils? Well...Chou.

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