Friday, January 29, 2010

The Spy Next Door vs. Avatar 3D

So it was one of those usual days today. Had a staff meeting and was kept overtime by one of the coworkers who kept bitchin' about how the kids don't know how to use a calculator. Pfff I say all they need to punch in is just eenie meenie minie mo. Besides, I had a showtime to catch and I'm that kinda guy who cannot miss a second of the movie! And that coworker of mine kinda reminds me of some Star Wars character, I'd like to say the female version of Yoda but I don't know my Star Wars very well so I wouldn't know. I get that vibe because of her unique catchphrase whenever someone says hi to her, it goes a little like this "Greetings Greetings".

So after getting released from the meeting I race against time to pick up my little. The movie began at 8 and we were like 42 minutes late! So unfortunately we had to put our watching Avatar 3D plans on hold. Lucky for us another movie was just on the horizon and that movie was none other than TADADADAA The Spy Next Door *unleashes a phony applause*, what a half-assed movie! It was wonderful to see Jackie Chan in a comic kiddie flick, but the direction: totally floppppppppppy, sorry that deserved extra p's. Even the stunts were kinda half-assed. I had surmountable expectations of Mr.Chan even for such movies. Guess that's what happens as testosterone levels deplete in aging Asian men. But wasn't Jackie supposed to be the alpha stunt men in the West and East? Having watched this movie I'm now starting to have second thoughts on whether I should watch his next cooler kiddie flick and this one will introduce Will Smith's son. Awesome dawg I think! As long as Will Smith is written somewhere in the closing credits. I'm more than certain he'll be credited as one of the motivators of the movie 'specially for his boy little Jaden. I'd be all laughter if Jaden ever mastered martial arts in real life unlike his pops. Speaking of which, why hasn't Will Smith ever been the star of a martial arts film. I believe he'd do splendid given his past performances in semi-epic films such as Men in Black, Bad Boys(which is one-eighth epic in my book), iRobot, and Iam legend. They could even go as far as making a dark comedy based on some character of Will Smith's becoming a pro-fighter. I finally have the topic for next entry HOORAY! Oh and let's not forget Ali as another one of his semi-epic films

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tequierra Los 4 Vientos

I just went to this mexican restaurant called Tequierra Los 4 Vientos. Great food! I'm glad it was recommended to me. It also reminded me of the heartland of Mexico. Not that I've ever visited that neck of woods, but I'm pretty sure that mainstream Mexico also housed such restaurants, where they had patios and waitresses would come outside while you were in the parking lot and ask "Can I take your order?" I wonder how you'd say that in Spanish. It's just that it's been a long time doing take out from a pure mexican restaurants. Most of these Mexican restaurants down in the Valley has a splash of Tex Mex in it so you don't get that typical Mexican atmosphere.

Monday, January 25, 2010

When is the blogspot gonna = xanga??

I'm serious about this. I just become so demotivated when it comes to blogging on this site. I need to customize this thingamajig with better wallpapers and it make it all rainbowey and colorful! How bout spraying some graffiti in the background you know for the sake of expressing our selves in a more advance way. At least xanga allowed us to customize our sites with more options present, first of all they had loads of wallpapers to select from. Secondly, you could post what song you were currently listening to and much much more. Maybe the blogspot offers all this as well I guess I'm just too lazy to explore. Oh yeah and in case I forget to mention xanga also allowed us to privatize some of our posts. Neat eh? So this way venting out on personal issues cannot be viewed by the public eye. Hell we wouldn't want amateur papparazzi's to be stalking us now would we? But this blog site should seriously consider revising some of the features such as allowing us to post more wallpapers; cuz that would so make me update this blog more frequently. Perhaps uploading the picture would allow me to grease the wheels a little more in the updating department.
I do miss xanga but it's just the scarcity of people on it that has discourged me from posting further entries. Turns out this is the town to be in nowadays along side facebook. There is also but that's like a blog for celebrities not for average joes like you and I.


So as I walked out of my house this afternoon I notice this hot, twenty-something gal in her classy mercedes-lookalike. My first reaction: WOWSERS!! Finally got me a hot-ass neighbor. I just glared into one of her windows observing her while she applying all that lipstick looking in the mirror. I was about to make a move but before I moved a muscle I thought, what if I came outside with my midnight-blue boxers, would that turn her on? Those favorite boxers of mine do have the magic touch not those blue polo-T-shirt/worn-out jeans I was wearing. Would those boxers have a spontaneous effect on me? Would it me make "painfully-shy" free? Would I be able to freely walk up to her and extend my hand out for a simple greeting? And let's not forget this sure beats watching her undress through my window using binoculars! So to prove my point I run out in the cold in those midnight-blue boxers just as she's about to pull over and I smile at her saying "HOWDY DO?", she answers "lol why are you in your undies?", I go "because they're so comfy", I then run inside. Mission accomplished! I wasn't shy! Thanks to my good ol'boxers. Let's hope I've weaseled my way into her dreams now heheh.

WOWSERS, for the first time I had a real entry FUCK YEAH!!! And it's all thanks to complaining about the lack of quality of this blog. It allowed me to create an actual witty post during the second half of this post!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family of depressants?!

Let's have a recap of current events: Cowboys lost, Longhorns lost to the Crimson Tide, Colt McCoy's shoulder has not been buried with a tombstone next to it(Thank God!), LeBron bitch-slapped Kevin Durant last night, Fareed Zakaria claims that Obama has failed the Amerian people in many areas(I say he's the KOOLEST PRESIDENT EVER, AND I MEAN KOOL WITH A K!!), and I just found out that my father has clinical depression! Alright so maybe it isn't considered a major headline but it bothers me loads sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if that gene passed on to me cuz I dunno I do feel like I exhibit some symptoms of depression such as excessive-eating and poor, unrealistic decision-making. Maybe I'm over-exaggerating, I know I've had social anxiety issues pretty much all my life thankfully not at the clinical level, but enough to disable many areas of my life! And I have had depression at some point in my life so I was well aware that it ran in the family. I'am well-educated about how social anxiety can evolve into depression after some time. According to the WHO(World Heath Organization), depression has topped the list of deadly illnesses so it is crucial for victims to seek immediate help whether it is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Gotta teach math now. Adios amigos.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The new teacher is about to ball it up!

Finally! Bout damn time! Gonna start teaching tomorrow. My first math class ever. Booyah! I'm really looking forward to the experience and also looking forward to meeting some of the wonderful staff that's on board. Although I'd rather be doing this in Austin it's all good I guess. I'm still hoping I move back there by June. I miss it so much that everytime I think about I become depressed. Anyhoo the John Mayer concert is on March 8th and sadly Spring Break doesn't fall around that time. Meaning I'll have to take two days off just to catch it. Phooey! I'm kinda nervous about tomorrow cuz I have no idea as to the type of kids I'll have. Guess it's just a natural process to just be plain nervous on the first day of anything new. Don't know how long I'll be teaching math but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Truth is math teacher doesn't fit my personality so I may branch out of it later on and I dunno maybe pursue consulting or the business side of education. Well better hit the hay. Gotta get up at 6am tomorrow.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I love Subway

I fuckin love Subway!!!! I've been going there like every fuckin day and I'm totally in love with it. Five dollar footlong.....five dollar footlong. You know they should also us to type musical notes on this blogs you know so you can indicate when you're singing. They could even invent musical note keys on the keypads of laptops and desktops.

So turns out I'm gonna start substituting for a math teacher starting next Monday. I'm really excited about the opportunity as it will give me more exposure to a classroom, and it'll give me a better idea on as to whether I'd wanna become a teacher for the long-term or not.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm a meatballer. Holla!

Subway won the spot as my prime addiction once again these past few days. Let's see I swung by like four times and each time I visited I had the meatball marinara! It's a classic fo sho. When Ms. Marinara meets Mr. Chipotle Southwest you have a deadly combination. Whoaaaaaa! Yeah I've always been a huge fan of meatballs it all goes back to my college days when I'd cook spaghetti with meatballs like everyday for supper. And you know I was thinking why doesn't my neighbor introduce her unique meatball sauce to Subway headquarters. I'm sure they'd be more than thrilled to replace their existing meatball sauce with it. It had some sort of cranberry sauce added to it I believe giving it a wholesome taste; The best meatball sauce I've tried to date! Duhhhhhh When do you use a semicolon again?

My curiousity has finally peaked about the anatomy of an outgoing person. How is such a person able to make friends with ease while sucking up to the risk factors associated with it. Powerful shit! Need to remain in the exploratory phase here. It's just that I have this desire to be outgoing but all that extreme shyness of mine is debilitates me!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010 folks!!

You know I just remembered an interesting flashback. It was a few years ago on Halloween I was traveling on the E-bus back to my crib after running around sixth street checking out the costumes, and a these group of people assign names to everyone on the bus and the ironic part of it all was that I was named Michael only because I was all by myself. And during this time I was actually in conflict with my roommate and best friend at the time whose name was also Michael. Weird!

As for my New Years Resolution I've decided that I'll start working out more you know get beefed up till I become a magnet for the ladies. The best resolution ever for the silent ladies man I'd say. I wanna be the guy who brings sexyback for 2010. It's been about four fuckin years and I desire to break Justin Timberlake's record. It would be an honor for me the day I make my grand entrance into a party and each and every single lady becomes magnetized to my body. Yeah that'll be the day. My other New Years Res. include getting a job, and oh yeah I skipped my number one goal: becoming more outgoing, and my number zero goal haha: extra bowls of strawberry pudding each day :D

Bought a pair of Santa Boxers yesterday from Walmart. Cost me like $3.25 and I've already grown attached to them. Best purchasing decision ever in like months. I guess you could consider it a late Christmas present.