Monday, January 25, 2010

When is the blogspot gonna = xanga??

I'm serious about this. I just become so demotivated when it comes to blogging on this site. I need to customize this thingamajig with better wallpapers and it make it all rainbowey and colorful! How bout spraying some graffiti in the background you know for the sake of expressing our selves in a more advance way. At least xanga allowed us to customize our sites with more options present, first of all they had loads of wallpapers to select from. Secondly, you could post what song you were currently listening to and much much more. Maybe the blogspot offers all this as well I guess I'm just too lazy to explore. Oh yeah and in case I forget to mention xanga also allowed us to privatize some of our posts. Neat eh? So this way venting out on personal issues cannot be viewed by the public eye. Hell we wouldn't want amateur papparazzi's to be stalking us now would we? But this blog site should seriously consider revising some of the features such as allowing us to post more wallpapers; cuz that would so make me update this blog more frequently. Perhaps uploading the picture would allow me to grease the wheels a little more in the updating department.
I do miss xanga but it's just the scarcity of people on it that has discourged me from posting further entries. Turns out this is the town to be in nowadays along side facebook. There is also but that's like a blog for celebrities not for average joes like you and I.


So as I walked out of my house this afternoon I notice this hot, twenty-something gal in her classy mercedes-lookalike. My first reaction: WOWSERS!! Finally got me a hot-ass neighbor. I just glared into one of her windows observing her while she applying all that lipstick looking in the mirror. I was about to make a move but before I moved a muscle I thought, what if I came outside with my midnight-blue boxers, would that turn her on? Those favorite boxers of mine do have the magic touch not those blue polo-T-shirt/worn-out jeans I was wearing. Would those boxers have a spontaneous effect on me? Would it me make "painfully-shy" free? Would I be able to freely walk up to her and extend my hand out for a simple greeting? And let's not forget this sure beats watching her undress through my window using binoculars! So to prove my point I run out in the cold in those midnight-blue boxers just as she's about to pull over and I smile at her saying "HOWDY DO?", she answers "lol why are you in your undies?", I go "because they're so comfy", I then run inside. Mission accomplished! I wasn't shy! Thanks to my good ol'boxers. Let's hope I've weaseled my way into her dreams now heheh.

WOWSERS, for the first time I had a real entry FUCK YEAH!!! And it's all thanks to complaining about the lack of quality of this blog. It allowed me to create an actual witty post during the second half of this post!

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