Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bogus formalities

You know I love my familia! But I just cannot fuckin comprehend the expectations they have of me. This is like an Indian culture 101 crash course for those of you who don't have a Fuckin clue of what I'm talking about. Seeing that I'm a lil' agititated after yesterdays mild to heated confrontation I figured I'd vent out a little while blending in a spice of comedy to it. So it all started when my mom had to drop off my little sister at Longhorns paradise, or as I like to call it, UT, my alma mater. I'll admit I was kinda jealous of her going there plus I was really suffering with widthdrawals from her budding selfish attitude, and so I felt no obligation in me to go and help them out. Turns out now that it was the gravest error of all and it occurs towards the end of the summer because as soon as my mom gets home she's all "AWAWAWAWAWAWAWA you have responsibilities beta AWAWAWAWAWAWAWA" and I was like "Yeah I know but then I've been very preoccupied about getting a job search". Momma: "How bout I lock you in a cage and coerce you into landing a job down here around your very own home", Pops, with eyes posing with a devilish glow: Yeah terriffic idea, I've always wanted a clone around this house" Me: NOOOOOOOOO!!! I don't wanna learn how to make idlis, samasos, and chutney, and I don't wanna wear no deodorant and stink NOOOOO. It's interesting because when I first go home I was a fairly responsible party around the house and then as time passed I guess I just became very self-centered cuz I just felt that I'd be cramped up at home for a long ass time. My friend suggested traveling as I sit idle and that sounds like a splendid idea. I could go to China, even India and maybe lend a hand to some charities over there. Nothing would make me feel more wholesome! Only drawback is the moola as I'll have to bag up about six or seven g's, possibly even more for the entire event. Now rewinding back to the argument, there is another reason for why I may have drifted from my whole family, but for personal reasons I simply won't say! I'll give you a hint: Strawberries. *breaths a sigh of relief* I luv being mysterious *smiley face*

I guess the only antidote to the whole situation would be to express reverence towards my dear parents and to just go along with these so called expectations. It's not that I don't understand it's just that......... alright once again we are heading back to the topic of strawberries here. Let's just say that if I had more strawberries with me to EAT then I'd be able to better understand these expectations. That and I'm just hoping that my parents realize....alright you know something I was wayyyy out of line yesterday. I shudda helped my sister move and shudda been there for her these past few days when she needed me the most, after all there is some emotional guilt associated with that. And I shoudn't have burdened my mom so much by making here go to Austin and come back in one day by herself. I was just so deeply involved with my own life that I wasn't thinking about anyone elses. Lesson learnt. And oh when the hell am I gonna move out??? The answer is yet to be revealed *wiggly exclamation point"

Hmmmm interesting how would you make an exclamation point wiggle, you'd probably have to use some type of animation software or something for that.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

intraverting extraversion and extraverting intraversion

I strongly believe that I'm extraverted to the 90th degree but others may probably disagree. What I do know is that I have a profound interest in being outgoing but somehow it just can't fit in my personality. I'm loaded with hardcore peoples skills and there is a difference between the outgoing and those with superior peoples skills you know. For instance, at the training this past week I was genuinely interested in getting to know others but somehow that never happpend cuz I was always preoccupied about my own shit. I mean I succeeded in at least talking to a few people but I wasn't one of those who'd mingle with my neighbor or get my ass of of my chair to talk to others closest to me. For me, outgoing has become so important that I've been researching articles on how to become more outgoing. All I know is that I'll have to start making significant progress within one year. One advantage of being outgoing is that you're able to snag more dates while also having more fun. But the biggest benefit for me would be learning to be more entrepreneurial; you know extracting info from people cuz lets face it it is the most efficient way of learning new things. Books and the internet can only take you so far. People may perceive me as an intravert but you something I just do not give a fuck cuz I know in my heart that I'm extraverted and every personality test that I've taken has says so and I was being truthful as possible when answering the questions by the way.

Alright so I got a couple of lame brownie jokes here:
How do Indians write and pronounce the coffee place coffezone, give up, as Kaphizone hahahahahahaha.
Where do most of the Indians reside in the US? Give up, Brownsville, Texas hahahahahaha
How do

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why does soda have to be such a drug?

So today was just one of those lazy days for me where I couldn't do anything. It's that diet Cherry Coke's fault it just warped me into a sedentary state. Prior to that I order pizza and devoured four slices. All this beautiful time and it went to a waste. I love my buddy Adrian but for some reason I just could not go with him to his family get together at some barbecue pit. It was his dad that I feared of course as I was warned about what a jerk he really is. I only wish I could stick around till next weekend to watch Adrian take off to Korea. So I just stayed here and thought maybe I could play catch-up and instead my agenda just splattered all over my face. Anyways enough treating myself like a punching bag. My next great big concern is how the hell do I follow up with all this preparation of getting a job as a teacher? It's just so overwhelming and mind-blowing. And we have to send reference assessments to our references and have them mail it to human resources. How time consuming that must be

Friday, August 7, 2009

Are Fridays designated for work, play, or work&play dubbed together?

I despise it so much when you feel like your pressed for time working on somthing but can't focus cuz you have to go to a play in a couple of hours followed by Kareoke. Friday is nicknamed Funday and as we all know tis the day to shake that bootay!!! And besides last Friday was nothing but a ruckus for me all anxious about my test scores. And the next horror episode - episode#2065 in the life of Mamarama - organizing that big fat portfolio with your resume, cover letter, and other credentials. That's exactly what I should be working on right now but my concentration has shut down. What do you do when that happens? Do you give yourself a pat on the back and say "you've tried but guess what today is? You gotta go out there and get krunked!!!" And that's exactly what's gonna happen. And if today happened to be Wednesday, I'd punch myself on the face really hard, knocking myself out!

You know I've decided to title my posts after I finish writing them. It's just so hard to visualize the name for a title. After reading what your post is about then it becomes so much easier to be creative in what title you'll give it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Teacherzzzz & Puddings

I'm in Austin posting this from one of my favorite coffee places! It feels so great to finally be back here that I actually had trouble accepting the fact that I touchdown here yesterday after two long months. I know two months is nothing but it took years off my life living in a place like the Rio Grande Valley while being separated from this exuberant city. And now that I'm finally here I'm already starting to grow despondent over leaving late next week. I probably wudda felt this way about atx no matter where I lived......well.....okay maybe not had I lived in Atlanta, San Francisco, the Big Apple, or LA. Okay wait I probably wudda been heartsick missing Austin while living in an expensive, overwhelming place like New York City. And I know that would only make me miss Austin even more. Wouldn't that be wonderful, I should just look for a job in NYC then. Anything to make me crave for atx even more.

Anywayzzz I officially completed my first day of training and had I been completely awake without an ounce of sleep deprivation I'm sure I wudda enjoyed it a lot more than I did. I guess nows the time to hocus focus(I love saying that!). Although I'm beginning to have second thoughts about teaching after today's experience. I'm sure I'll have a fabulous experience working in a middle school but the pay is all scraps. Perhaps I could work my ass off landing a job as a teacher and then after six months I could start looking for work in the industry, my primary preference, in order to attempt paying for grad school whenever I enroll. More on this subject and personal dilemma later.

Alright so let's descend down to the good stuff: Pudding....mmmm mmm sweet! Although I adore chocolate puddings I'll have to say that I'm more of a vanilla pudding person. And I happen to be more in favor of vanilla because....it's just tastier and good for the tongue. As for chocolate puddings I dig it but YUUUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!! And then there is banana bamboo pudding which is HOT!! There's also curry pudding which is the worst of the all. Think about it curry is all spices and spices and pudding do not blend - WARNING!!! Then you have chile pudding which is also terrible as chile is considered a semi-spice. But man oh man it is delicuoso no doubt about that!!! I fuckin love it. Now for those of you who are clueless about as to what I was talking about the answer is at the end of this post.

So something interesting happened yesterday. I made a stopover at the Rivercenter Mall and out of the blue I catch sight of this dark orange Texas cap with a dotted like pattern. My first impression was WHOA!!! So I do the impulsive and I buy the cap. The problem was that a few minutes later after trying it on I realize it doesn't fit! That's right apparently I star as the dumbass in this one as your supposed to try the cap on before buying it. So luckily I go back to the souvenir shop from where I purchased the cap and replace it with any other one. Turns out the bigger sizes of the original cap I purchased were gone so....I settled for another cap of my choice. After having to go through this I've realized something: Why the fuck don't the list the circumference of the cap on a tag or something so this way folks who don't have the brains of trying it on first will know as to whether it'll fit them or not. Cuz nobody tries on caps they just assume their head size is correct size for it. Shirts, jeans, and shorts are experimented with in dressing rooms and so can caps but I truly believe that that may not happen cuz when you see a cap you just go gaga all over it naturally and run like the wind to the check out counters. Anyway that's just my perception of how things should be cuz they just do not list the one-half areas or cirumferences of the cap on a tag.

Answer: YSSUP